Saturday, April 28, 2012

Knee Jerk - Day 2

I really do miss the old format of the draft.  My dad had a draft day tradition of cleaning the garage and listening to the radio when Saturday used to be the first 3 rounds, and then that Sunday he'd go about his life and read up on the picks after they were made while I obsessed over why they didn't take the guy I wanted with the 195th pick.  It was awesome.  This 3 day thing is for the birds but it is what it is.

In the second round, with the 37th pick the Browns went with Mitchell Schwartz, RT from Cal.  I sort of had a feeling he was going to be a Brown, although I had him going in the 3rd round.  I read somebody say that he was going to go before a lot of people thought he would and was a candidate to sneak into the late 1st.  Anyways I like the guy.  People wanted a WR or a different RT but all I heard all year was people complain about how lousy the right side of our line was.  Guess what, it's fixed.  Here's why they went with Schwartz, in my opinion.  He started 51 games at Cal, he's got prototypical size.  The Browns know EXACTLY what they have in him.  They're not banking on potential or player development, they took the guy that they can plug in from day 1.  They obviously don't want to have to address the right tackle spot again for the next 6-8 years.  They took the sure thing.  Maybe Glenn or Martin or Adams have more potential, but they all come with more risk.  Hell I liked Massie coming in and he's still on the board.  Schwartz is a more polished player.  They swung for the gap and not the fences.  I love it.  Also in play here was the fact that this is not a deep draft for tackles and the talent pool has dried up considerably.  WR and CB are deep positions this year and I'd expect them to get addressed in the 4th.

Ah the 3rd round.  I think Shaun Lauvao is the only decent third round pick the Browns have made since they came back.  They traded back from 67 to 87 and picked up Denver's 4th rounder, pick 120.  They moved back after Reuban Randle and Josh Robinson (2 guys I think they liked) were taken in front of them by NY and Minnesota.  For whatever reason they decided not to go after a starter with this pick and instead drafted John Hughes from Cincinnati.  I love Uncle Buck, Home Alone was hilarious, but I'm not sure John Hughes was a great pick.  Hell this John Hughes might have been more highly rated than the one the Browns took.  CBS has him as the 534th overall player.  Do I think he's that lousy?  No.  However even he didn't think he was going to get picked until Saturday, because that's when he was planning on having his draft party.  A backup nose tackle at 87 with the holes on this team is a hard sell for me.  I always tell my dad it's not who they take it's who they don't.  I liked TY Hilton, Brandon Boykin, and Jayron Hosely at that spot, I think all 3 of those guys can play, and I don't know about John Hughes, but I'm skeptical on this one.  Boykin is still on the board, maybe he's the pick at 100.  We'll see.

On the last day of the draft, the Browns should add at least one receiver and linebacker and Heckert's history tells us he should be able to find a contributor or starter late.  Guys I'd be targeting include my 2012 mancrush Jarius Wright, possibly Boykin, Juron Criner or Chris Givens at WR, maybe a small-school corner like Josh Norman or Ryan Steed or Jeremy Lane.  They probably take a DE somewhere (Cam Johnson maybe??)  They also may make a move for a player (Leodis McKelvin perhaps) or move McCoy.  It'll be an interesting day.

And to borrow from a John Hughes classic, here's how I feel about people who don't think the Browns are way better than they were on Thursday (PEEBO) - Warning - Foul Language



  1. The Browns got better, the trouble is everyone else (with the possible exception of Seattle) got a lot better too. Didn't come out at all like I would have guessed but then again, it's all above my pay grade and I'm not the one who'll be fired if it doesn't work out.

    There's rumors in Houston of a straight-up trade of Jacoby Jones for McCoy. Hearing any of that?

    1. Yeah, I heard it but i don't know why Houston would with Yates already. i'd keep McCoy and cut that asshole Wallace loose. And my opinion, the Browns got better than a lot of teams, because they got the best running back to come out in at least 7 years. They should be watchable. I'm happy, but I'm in the minority.

      And above my paygrade as well hahahaha.

  2. Eric, the reason Houston was looking for another QB is because Yates, while talented and pretty well thought of, was still a third string rookie 5th round choice when he was thrown into emergency service late last season. Leinhart, then the second stringer, was hurt in the first half of his first start after Schaub's injury and is no longer with the team.

    Colt may have been a good fit as a back-up for Schaub, but it doesn't look like that will happen now. Houston did sign Case Keenam, a local favorite after he went undrafted. One way or the other look for them to go into the regular season with 3 QB's.

    One question I have for you about Colt, more correctly about the Browns- why on earth would they sign the guy to a 4 year deal only to turn around and draft a QB like, two days later? Seems like a rather odd business model to me.

    And I cain't resist tweaking you just a little. While the Browns don't have a great record with first round 'can't miss' QB's, Tim Couch at least got his picture on the side of a bottle of bourbon:

  3. I forgot about Leinart being gone. About Colt, they signed him to his rookie deal when he was drafted, I think he's got another year or two on his contract, but they gave him 20 games or so and didn't see what they needed to see. He does lack NFL arm strength and his accuracy is over-rated at this level. He should be a good backup though, not sure if it will be in Cleveland or not.

    And I don't think Weeden is can't miss, but I did see that Maker's with Couch on it. He's all class and it's too bad he didn't have more around him when he was here, you all know about that with David Carr, right??

  4. Didn't they sign Colt to an extension right before the draft? Maybe I got that wrong, but that somehow sticks in my mind. Don't know how much you can expect out of a guy on a team containing an OL with only one top flight LT, no running attack and WR's no other team respects but then again I don't breathe the rare oxygen in those Corporate offices in Berea, Ohio either.

    Carr wasn't the only bad pick, trust me. There is a reason Charley Casserly is not employed by any NFL team now.

    T'will be interesting watching how Wheeden does throwing to guys that aren't named Justin Blackmon! Take care.

    1. I don't think they signed Colt to an extension, I think he's still on his rookie deal. I like Colt when they took him and I believe there is some truth to what you say regarding his lack of a supporting cast, but his limitations were evident as teams got film on him. And I'm not a coach or scout or anything either but I think Weeden has the arm to stretch the defense and Colt lacked that. He bailed out of the pocket pretty quickly as well.

      I think Colt could be a good backup who can fill in when necessary and that's a pretty good thing to have, but not sure that the Browns can afford to keep him in that capacity with a lot of fans still in his corner.

      And neither was Couch and that's why Clark and Policy aren't either hahaha.

      Thanks for reading and see you in the OBX!
