Friday, April 27, 2012

Knee Jerk - Day 1

I love what the Browns did last night.  It took me until the morning to really say that, but I do.

First of all, I love Trent Richardson and he's immediately the best player on our team.  I don't care about trading a 4th, 5th, and 7th rounder for him, they had extra picks anyway.  Moving up to secure the guy you think is the best player in the draft not named Luck or Griffin is something that good teams do, and it was the right move by Heckert.  He also said they knew another team was going to get Minnesota's pick, so they did what they had to do.  Brilliant.

I was far less happy about Brandon Weeden when the pick was announced.  I loved Kendall Wright and he was gone, but I've made my statements about why I wouldn't have taken a QB.  I also thought he'd be there at 37, but the more I read the more I don't think that is true.  San Fransisco was apparently targeting him (inside info from Walt's workout buddy Reggie Corner, friend of Donte Whitner).  The Browns should sign Reggie Corner by the way.  Solid CB. 

Anyways they took the guy they wanted after Wright was gone.  I have been complaining about Colt McCoy's noodle arm so I shouldn't complain that they took a strong armed passer who can throw the ball further than 5 yards downfield.  They took him to play, not sit.  So we'll roll the dice.  Don't care about his age in the sense that we haven't had a QB that's been here more than 5 years since Bernie anyways. 

With the next couple picks I think they'll target WR, RT, and possibly CB.  If they come out with Stephen Hill or Rueban Randle and Mitchell Schwartz or Cordy Glenn and Juron Criner or Jarius Wright we should all be very very happy.  Or they move around.  Fact is they're blowing up the offense which was obviously needed.  And I'm on board, because we should at least be entertaining this season.  Onward and upward, but more and more, In Heckert I Trust.

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