Monday, September 16, 2013

Week 2 - 2013

The Browns suck.  Again.  It's official.  One touchdown in two games.  Moronic coaching decisions, bad offensive line play, dropped passes, and a lousy quarterback.  And another loss to Baltimore, even though they shut the Ravens out in the first half and allowed only 14 points the entire game.

I'm done defending Brandon Weeden.  He's not any good, he's not a starting NFL quarterback.  He can't process what's happening fast enough, he locks onto his primary target, he takes bad sacks.  I'll never buy the "no quarterback can win with this team" argument.  Tom Brady just won a game on Thursday with receivers (somehow) worse than the Browns have.  How?  He made the one pass that he needed to when he needed to.  Brandon Weeden couldn't accomplish that, missing an absolutely wide open Chris Ogbonnaya on the one play that the Browns were able to successfully execute.  Here's the sideline reaction to that abortion.  Think they believe in this guy?

Greg Little is another one.  I'm done defending him also.  3 dropped passes and then 3 more traffic violations after the game.  If Chud wants to send a message to this collection of scrubs benching Greg Little would be a great place to start.  No separation and lousy hands is no way to play receiver in the NFL, son.

3 delay of game penalties.  That probably falls as much on the coaches as it does on Weeden.  They stunk too.  Another game, another fourth quarter with no touches for Trent Richardson.  In a one possession game.  Pass rush causing problems?  No screens.  No draws.  Nothing to slow them down.  As sad as it sounds I'd kill to see this team lose 35-31.  Just some offense, please.

The game as a whole was awful.  Watching other football games make it seems like the Browns are playing an entirely different sport than the rest of the league. 

Our defense is one starting caliber cornerback away from being extremely good.  Mingo looked like a legitimate double digit sack threat.  The front seven has shut down the run in the first two games.  What game are the Browns going to win this season 6-3 that is going to cost this team a chance at the first pick?  Any takers?

I'm stunned I thought this team would be any good.  Because they aren't.  Their problems extend past the quarterback, but that's where it starts.  Question I've been pondering for the past few weeks, and please feel free to weigh in.  Hypothetically, if Philip Rivers is the quarterback of this Browns team, are they a playoff team?  Rivers has had no receivers, a good (but now old) tight end, and a decent running back for the past few seasons.  Poor offensive line.  San Diego's defense has been good but not as good as the Browns have this season.  And he's had the Chargers at 8-8 or 7-9 the past two years.  So, hypothetically, if Rivers was the Browns quarterback do they make the playoffs?  I say yes. 

But again, for the quarterback doesn't matter crowd, if you put Weeden on the Ravens yesterday, is there anyway that they win that game? 

Nothing says Browns football more than this fourth down failure yesterday.

After seeing Brandon Weeden for 2 games this season, there will be a new quarterback in Cleveland next year.  It will more than likely be one of these guys.

Teddy Bridgewater - Louisville

He's athletic and extremely accurate and comes from a pro style offense.  6'3 and lean.  Does the little things like sells play fakes and looks off defenders.  I've seen him play the least of any of the top guys but he's the consensus top qb at this point from most experts.  An RG3 type player. has 10 games here

Tajh Boyd - Clemson

He's thicker and shorter than Bridgewater, but also extremely accurate.  Plays from the spread.  Has won a lot of games at Clemson and is a guy I really like.  I use Steve Young as his comp, he can be my quarterback for sure.  Ten games from if you're bored here

Marcus Mariota - Oregon

Probably my favorite of the qbs that will be eligible.  He's big at 6'4 fast and accurate.  He's playing in Oregon's offense so people will dismiss him but he's way better than Dennis Dixon or Darren Thomas.  He's going to be most successful in a more wide open fast paced scheme but that's the way the NFL is going.  Kaepernick-like skills.  Highlights here

Johnny Manziel - Texas A&M

Despite all the chatter today about how the Browns were "scouting" him at the Bama game, there were also a ton of other prospects that they were probably looking at.  So don't buy that nonsense, it's far too early for that.  I just don't see him as the Browns qb. Short and fast with huge hands.  He's a great college player and I'm torn about whether he'll be a legit NFL quarterback but I don't see the Browns taking that chance.  This regime's future hinges on whatever quarterback they choose and I can't see them banking on Manziel.  I like him though, probably a turnover machine in the NFL.  Vids here

Brett Hundley - UCLA

I haven't seen him play enough but some people really like him.  I'd rather have any of the guys listed above including Johnny Manziel, but I reserve the right to change my mind.  Highlights

So yeah, this is where we're at.  The Monday after the second game of the season it is already time to figure out which quarterback will be the next one ruined by this sad sack franchise.  AWESOME.  Browns football everybody.

Random gifs

Best gameday sign ever

William Moore with the body slam

OU's band is awesome, especially when they cover the What Does the Fox Say song

1 comment:

  1. Hi Eric,
    Experience required.

    Or so the old saw goes. The Bro_ns returned something along the order of 18 on their starting roster from last year's team. So! On offense, there are two, maybe 3 starting caliber OL's, a really good TE, one WR (when Cribbs returns, that is!) and only one RB. For whatever reason Ogbonnaya has the same number of carries you do. Ergo, it appears that the value of returning experience may be way overstated.

    The good news is that the defense has been solid, even if not spectacular. The bad news is that many of the rules have been changed, such as targeting and some other rules to protect the QB, to the point where great defenses doesn't win like they used to anymore.

    I did watch quite a bit of the Bro_ns game. Both teams scored twice, the only problem is that when the purple team scored it was touchdowns. Ok, they did have one called back but you get the drift: a really good offense can close the deal, an average O settles for 3 a lot.

    The problem that I see is that quite simply there are no leaders. Anywhere. Not on the sideline wearing headsets and not on the field wearing uniforms. If you see something different let me know but that's how I sees it.

    Is Chud working above his pay grade? That's really the burning question. I think for at least a little while you have to give him the benefit of the doubt, after all he can't be blamed for inheriting the Shurmer/Heckert car pile-up offense. One thing I just noticed, this years two deep has, what, 4 undrafted rookie free agents? That's not an awful lot of depth. All's I can say is, enjoy the ride.

    Oh, on JFF.

    Please. For the love of everything that is Holy. Please forget any notion you have evah had about JFF ever being on the Bro_ns roster. He's a punk. I'll even readily concede the punk can ball. However, I believe he is a short version of Ryan Leaf. Period. The NFL is too big and probably too fast for him, and his attitude won't cut it.

    One last thing, (make it 2) Mack Brown is coaching his last season at Texas. And their next coach might have been on the opposite sideline to JFF last Saturday.

    Take care & thanks for writing,

