Friday, September 20, 2013

On the Richardson Trade

Well Trent Richardson is gone.  Traded.  It happened.  I let that sink in for a few days before putting anything here, because I do try and let my emotions die down a little before writing anything.  I was absolutely stunned when it happened, as everyone was.

After letting everything sink in, I'm conflicted on my feelings.

The first reaction from me is always the fan, the Browns fan, the emotional, fiercely loyal, been kicked around enough Browns fan.  And that part of me was angry and confused.  Really angry and really confused.  That part of me still is.  Trent Richardson was the best offensive playmaker on this team.  He was grossly underutilized in my opinion, both by the previous coaching staff as well as through two games this season.  He was the one player on this team that defenses had to account for, to prepare and gameplan for.  He was a player worth paying to see play in the eyes of many, including the Browns organization, which is why his photo was on the tickets, on the pocket schedule, on the cover of the gameday magazine.  He's also only 22 years old, 17 games into his NFL career, and was the 3rd pick in the draft just a year and a half ago.  He flashed enough potential to give people hope that he was going to be a bigtime player, a Pro Bowl player.  And I still think he becomes that player, though now he'll do it with a horseshoe on his helmet.

That fan side of me feels like a white flag is now being flown for this season.  That this management team is deliberately throwing in the towel on this season, in an attempt to "earn" a top pick in the draft to select a quarterback to build around.  The fan side of me feels especially horrible for season ticket holders, who have invested so much and gotten so little in return, only to have another lost season thrown in their faces before the leaves have even turned.  I call Browns fans the best in the country all the time here, and they are.  Any other fans, of any other teams, would have turned their backs long ago.  And that part of me burns with anger about this move.

The other side of me is the sensible football person.  Looking at this objectively, it's not a bad deal.  I'd be lying if I didn't say that a small amount of doubt had set in about Richardson the player.  I don't think we've seen him at his full potential but if you stripped the nameplate off his jersey and looked at it empirically, he is far from irreplaceable.  3.5 yards per carry, 11 touchdowns, just over 1000 yards in his first 17 games.  Not exactly Jim Brown.  And the fact that they recouped a first round draft pick for a running back in today's day and age is extremely impressive.  Can Willis McGahee replace those numbers?  Probably.  Does Trent Richardson make this team markedly better?  Do they win more games with Richardson than without him?  Maybe one.  Maybe.  Running backs are complementary pieces in today's NFL.  It all starts at the quarterback position, and Banner and Lombardi seem to recognize that and are going all in to get one.  Which I understand, looking at it objectively.

But the fan side of me still has some questions.  With the way this team has performed, and the amount of quarterback talent potentially available in next year's draft, was this a move that had to be made?  Because if Jacksonville gets the first pick in the draft, one extra first rounder is not going to prevent them from taking their guy.  Trust me they have a worse situation at quarterback than we do.  Did we as Browns fans ever see Richardson playing with a full deck?  I don't think we did.  Between shoddy coaching, quarterback play, and offensive line play I don't think we ever saw the best that Trent Richardson has to offer.  And I don't see how trading him for a draft pick makes this team better.  For what it's worth, the last quarterback Michael Lombardi had a hand in picking was Jamarcus Russell, and the last two Joe Banner had a hand in picking were Mike Kafka and Kevin Kolb.  It's no guarantee that these guys will get it right.  And if they don't, it's back to square one (again).


So I am torn on the deal.  And I think most Cleveland fans are as well.  I've heard some people who love it and some who are so mad that they are done being Browns fans.  And I get it.  So if you're mad I'm sorry and I do feel it too.  If you're happy, that's good.  I'll be right there with you, especially the day after the season's over.  If you're Joe Banner and Michael Lombardi, I hope you're right, and I hope you get it right.  Like I heard it said best, you guys have bet on yourselves and you're all in.  Let's hope for once you get it right, and that the fans won't be the ones left holding the bag.


  1. Hi Eric,

    I'm not sure anyone really saw this coming, taking awhile to digest it all here too.

    A few thoughts, in no particular order--->>>

    Maybe Richardson isn't really all that; consider that he's had at least two knee surgeries already. If you want to see what a 3rd overall RB selection ought to look like, you'll need wait no longer than this Sunday (Peterson.)

    Maybe Richardson isn't a good fit in the new offense, which to me looks like quite a bit of spread. The spread utilizes a lot of zone blocking and one cut type RB's, which 1. the Browns OL isn't good at and 2. Richardson isn't really suited for either. If that's the case, they did well getting a #1 for him.

    So! I guess getting rid of Colt wasn't the solution?

    Damn. The Colts now have the #1 & #3 players from last year's draft. And they play in Houston's division. Thanks a lot.

    Just in: The Brown's 2012 draft is officially a total train wreck.

    There is no Andrew Luck or RGIII in the 2014 draft. I saw Boyd last night against NC State, and Bridgewater last Sat vs Ky. They may both play on Sunday one day for all I know, but neither really displayed the 'wow' factor. One draft won't fix what ails the Browns anyways, and maybe that's been the problem - the unwillingness to accept that rebuilding will be a long process.

    Brian Hoyer? Seriously? I mean, couldn't they pick up Tebow or VY for a song? Not saying they would win, at least it would give folks something to talk about.

    Really, it's impossible to say right now if ditching Richardson is good or bad. We'll find out soon enough tho. One thing you're definitely right about, they are raising the surrender flag for this season.

    Imagine that. Almost October, and Cleveland fans have more reason to attend a Tribe game than the Browns. Never thought that would evah happen!

    Take care,


    1. Hey now! I guess we were a little off based thinking that this team would be historically bad. I honestly think Bridgewater is really good, and I'm a big Mariota fan. But no, no Andrew Luck. But like I was telling some folks Luck was a once every 20 year type prospect, the best one since Peyton Manning, and there have been some pretty good qbs drafted since then. The Browns are firmly committed to passing the ball and passing a lot. I thought Tebow thoughts for a moment but that passed really quickly. It was a crazy game yesterday though, at least hope for a moment.

      Read this for some insight on that 2012 draft from Grossi - scroll down towards the bottom. Holmgren was a disaster.

      Houston got ROCKED by Baltimore what happened there??

      Take care

  2. First half stats: Total offense by Balt- 64. Yds penalized, Hou - 65. TD's scored by Bal, 2- one pick 6, the other a punt return for TD.

    Schaub taking a little heat here, deserved? Maybe so.
