Friday, May 9, 2014

Draft Thoughts Day 1......

What a day.  It's a good day here in Cleveland.  A great day.  Ray Farmer is the man.  The Browns are the talk of the NFL.  A great day.

I wanted Johnny Manziel, I would have been happy with him at 4.  I thought after they traded down, they were definitely taking him at 9.  They moved up to 8, and I thought they were taking him there.  No dice as the Browns went with the top cornerback on most boards, Justin Gilbert from Oklahoma State.  I went through the emotions that judging from my twitter most people did, shock and disappointment that they let Manziel go.  And then things started to fall their way.  And when they traded up to 22, ohhh boy.  And then it happened....

Even if you aren't a big Johnny MFing Football fan, you have to be impressed with what Ray Farmer did.  Getting a 1st and 4th next year from Buffalo to drop down from 4 to 9 is amazing, and an absolute no brainer.  That's a trade you have to make.  Buffalo's draft position over the last 5 drafts before trades has been 9, 3, 10, 9, and 8.  Thanks Bills.  Great deal.  So they move back and then move up with Minnesota for a 5th (which I know doesn't sound like much but I'm pretty sick of giving Minnesota picks to move up one spot) and got their guy Gilbert.  If one thing was known about Mike Pettine it is that he values the cornerback position.  If you read Collision Low Crossers, the book about the Jets while Pettine was the defensive coordinator, you had a pretty good idea of the value he places on long armed athletic press corners.  And so they got the guy that will play across from Haden at number 8.  Gilbert is a bigger corner at 6'0 200lbs, he ran the fastest 40 yard dash (4.37) out of the corners at the combine, and also put up the most reps (20) at 225 lbs out of the corners, so he's strong as well.  He's a man cover guy and gives Pettine exactly what he's looking for out of a cornerback.  He'll fit in well.

And then instead of sitting back at 26 and hoping that their franchise quarterback fell to them, they aggressively moved up to 22, giving up the 3rd rounder that they had gotten from the Steelers the year before to take Johnny Football.  So even if you don't like Manziel, if you break it down you traded a 4th round pick and Trent Richardson for him.  That's a pretty damn good deal.  I've said all I can about Manziel, I think he can make all the throws with accuracy, is athletic, is instinctive, intelligent, and has the moxie I want from my quarterback.  Kyle Shanahan is the perfect offensive coordinator for him, he'll move him around and let him make plays.  He'll have to learn to get down and avoid hits, but to me he's a stud, and he provides a spark that this franchise needs.  He's 21 years old and has time to develop, but he's as exciting a player as we've had in Cleveland in a long time.

So again, to recap, the Browns ended up with an extra 1st and 4th round pick next year, the top cornerback in the draft, and a potential franchise quarterback in the polarizing, talented, confident Johnny Manziel.  That my friends is a great draft.  Ray Farmer deserves all the praise he's getting today.  The town is abuzz, and they'll have two picks tonight to continue building.

I think you'll see a WR and either an offensive lineman or a linebacker.  I'll go with Xavier Su'a-Filo, the guard from UCLA in the 2nd, and Jared Abredderis in the 3rd.  GO BROWNS.

Justin Gilbert Scouting Report here

Johnny Manziel Scouting Report here

1 comment:

  1. Hi Eric,

    Are you sure they Browns didn't have a mask and a gun when they fleeced Buffalo? Very well played. Kinda makes the risk/reward equation on "Johnny Freefall" a little bit easier to swallow.

    So, who's next for the Browns? I like Moncrief quite a lot, he reminds me of Eric Metcalf - remember him? Taking a guard this high? I just don't see it with the WR talent available. Stock the trenches later. Then again. What do I know?

    Far as Houston trading down, they would have certainly done it but allegedly the asking price was 3 first rounders. How serious was anyone??? The latest Texans rumor is them trading for Ryan Mallett but I'll believe it when I sees it.

    Take care,

