Monday, December 30, 2013

Week 17 - 2013

Only in Cleveland.  That's all I can say.  Only in Cleveland.  The Browns fired their coach, the coach they hired less than one year ago, yesterday.  Rob Chudzinski is out, after (depending on who you believe) feuding with fork tongued snake in the grass GM Mike Lombardi over "accountability".  Or maybe it was because he wasn't happy with the work of Norv Turner's kid Scott, WR coach.  Or he wouldn't cut Greg Little.  Whatever the reason, the Browns continue to be a model of dysfunction, a joke of a franchise led by a crook and run by two egomaniacs.  When will it end?

Why are we even still Browns fans?  I'm not sure I even know why I support this team.  Why I go to games, watch games, buy Browns gear.  Why?  They're consistently horrible, constantly rebuilding, and even my five year old daughter knows that "the Browns ALWAYS lose".  Are we still here because we want to say when (if) they ever turn it around that we were always here?  Are we here because when we were 8 years old we used to hump it to Municipal Stadium with our dads to see the Browns were they were actually a respectable franchise?  I mean seriously WHY?  What the hell is wrong with us?  Any other fans in any other city would've turned their backs on this joke of a franchise a long time ago, but we're still here.  But for how long?  I want to be done.  I really do.  I'm sick of this crap.

We're irrational, us fans, if we complain.  That's how this organization views us, how national media view us.  Why not have faith in Joe Banner and Michael Lombardi?  Why should we complain?  They pop in and out, Lombardi's NFL Network pals, and they'll tell us all the things wrong with Chudzinski, first year and first time head coach.  They'll replace him with Josh McDaniels, tell us how great he is, how they always wanted him, the same thing they said about Chud just a year ago.  Trust us, they'll say.  Then when this regime fails spectacularly, they'll tell us that the next guys will get it right.  They aren't here, or weren't here, they don't understand how much we've put up with. 

As if we haven't heard this same crap before.  Every couple years a new egomaniac (and that's all these guys are.  Egomaniacs who think they are smarter than everyone else) takes over, and tells us the same thing.  Every couple years it doesn't work, and we are left holding the bag, told to have patience, that these new guys will get it right.  Rinse.  Repeat.

We're supposed to trust Joe Banner and Michael Lombardi now.  Ignore the fact that Lombardi is a known snake, and has already been here and FAILED MISERABLY years ago.  Gonna be different this time, right?  Hell they got a 1st round pick for Trent Richardson they are GENIUSES!  Believe in them!  It's different!  No it's not.  The first act of the Joe Banner era was the hiring of a coach (and Lombardi was already in the fold don't be fooled by the timeline) and they have already admitted that they failed.  Oh and forget about the fact that the players seem to be anywhere from stunned to livid by the move.  Good luck in that locker room, new coach.  And really what coach in their right mind would come here?  If you're expecting a home run aim lower and save yourself further disappointment.  In case you were wondering just how dysfunctional this whole thing really is,

What they're ignoring about throwing Chud under the bus is that they were constantly building for the future, especially on the offensive side of the ball.  There isn't a coach on the planet that wins with those quarterbacks and those running backs.  It doesn't happen.  And Ray Horton's defense, the one that was addressed in the draft and free agency, was a miserable failure for the better part of the season.  Ignore those facts.  Ignore the draft.  Ignore Brandon Weeden, Jason Campbell, ignore the obvious eyes towards the 2014 draft.  Because have faith!  It's Chud's fault, not Banner's, not Lombardi's.  It'll be different with Josh McDaniels or Ken Whisenhunt (KILLS SELF).

Just have faith.  Don't worry.  Trust them.  It's a process.  It's all we ever hear.  Wake me up when it's over.  I want to be done.  I'm really going to try.  I doubt I'm alone.  A human can only take so much, and we've taken a lot.  Blind faith doesn't do it for me anymore.  I've said it before, the more things change, the more they stay the same.  Especially in Cleveland.


  1. Hi Eric,

    Of course you're going to watch them. You have to.
    It's like rubbernecking at the scene of a car accident. You know you shouldn't - you really don't want to - but you do it anyway.

    There's an old saw that goes "stats are for losers." But did you know that the Browns offense outgained the opposition in fully 11 out of 16 games? That included both Bengals games, both Steelers games, and one of two against the purple browns. On toppa that, the Browns defense was the NFL's 9th best in yds per game. Read into that what you will.

    The owner is being investigated by the FBI for fraud as we speak. Let that sink in a bit. But in my mind there's no real excuse for firing a guy after one year. If that's the case, if firing is really justified, whoever it was that hired Chud in the first place is really to blame for lack of due diligence. It is also proof positive that there was/is no plan in place, none, zero, zip, zilch, nada. What big name, high profile coach would even dare touch this clown car show?

    Now on to find another QB, RB, WR, OL.....

    Hypothetical question: What would you give Houston for the overall #1?

    Take Care,

    ps..CLICKY BELOW-------->>>>>>>>

  2. Replies
    1. I saw that hit yesterday Murray looked like a man possessed. I'll give you both my ones this year and my one next year for Bridgewater. More likely they'll be giving that to St Louis to move to 2 and take Manziel. That's what I think happens.

      I have no idea what coach in their right mind is coming here. I know if I had any prospects I'd go anywhere else. This franchise may be a sleeping giant but Banner and Lombardi would dissuade me.

      And all the numbers in the world don't matter if you don't have a qb, IMO. It's a quarterback league, no doubt about it, and you don't win with Campbell and Weeden. Oh well. On to the draft.

  3. What do all 12 playoff teams have in common? All ended the season and start(ed) the playoffs with the same starting QB they had in week one. And all have a respectable if not outstanding running game.

    To have both requires solid line play, a hallmark of nearly all great football teams. The fact that the Browns have neither IMHO speaks volumes. Was it scheme or personnel, that's the first question the new coach needs to ask.
