Friday, October 4, 2013

Week 5 - 2013

Let's start with this.  The Cleveland Browns are in first place in the AFC North.  Process that if you can.  First Place.  Sure, they are only 5 games in.  But they are 3-2 for the first time since 2001.  Think about that.  It's been 12 years since the Browns were 3-2 after 5 games.  They haven't even been over .500 since the clock ticked off on the final game of the 2007 season.  This was a big time win last night, on national television, at home, in front of the best fans in football.  Here's some more food for thought - in the NFL, 50% of teams that start 3-2 make the playoffs.  Yup.  Playoffs. 

It was a big win for many reasons.  First of all, in a town with a psyche as fragile as Cleveland's, following the egg the Indians layed in the Wild Card game, there was a feeling of trepidation (for me anyway) going into the game.  Because just when things appear to be going right for Cleveland, the universe has a way of balancing itself out.  It started on Tuesday with the Indians, and seemed to be continuing from the opening kickoff, when Greg Little caught the kickoff deep in the endzone and jogged out to the eight before he was buried.  Despite the raucous crowd, the Browns seemed intent on finishing the let down the Indians started, on a week where Cleveland was going to be the center of the sports world.  Josh Gordon let a potential 80 yard touchdown slip through his fingers, and the Bills used good field position and a horrible pass interference call to jump out to a 7-0 lead.

Then the unthinkable.  The pin that popped the collective balloon.  Brian Hoyer laying on the field, legs crumpled under him, in obvious pain.  Injured.  Out of the game.  Local boy turned hero turned tragic figure.  In stepped Brandon Weeden, who promptly looked like Brandon Weeden while the boos rained down and the frustration boiled over.  The Bills kicked another field goal and led 10-0. Hope was lost, it appeared.  It felt like another Cleveland sports story.  You could feel it. 

Only this time, something different happened.  Maybe it's having a coach that understands the region.  And understands basic football principles, unlike his predecessor.  Maybe the players are mentally tougher.  Maybe it's just different this season.  But there was a spark, a flash, wearing a brown #80 jersey that turned the game around.  Travis Benjamin, on the strength of two long punt returns, one for a touchdown and one that led to a field goal, almost single handedly tied the game at 10.  The defense clamped down, led by a ferocious front 7.  And somehow, in spite of his shortcomings, (and his long holdings) and the rough start to the game, Brandon Weeden calmed down, made some decent throws, and staked his team out to a halftime lead.

Things appeared to be going right.  The Browns took the lead.  The crowd was wild.  The greatest player to ever wear a Browns jersey was honored at halftime.  Everything was going to be okay it seemed.  Then CJ Spiller blew past Barkevious Mingo for a 54 yard touchdown and the air left the stadium again.  And then the Bills scored again, although the drive cost them their quarterback, as EJ Manuel was cut down by Tashuan Gipson and injured his knee.  24-17.  Bills. 
Hope had left, for good this time it seemed.  Surely Brandon Weeden couldn't get the job done.  But then he did.  In the face of adversity he did.  A deep pass, thrown perfectly, (and caught!!) to Greg Little for 47 yards.  Then another, following a penalty, to Josh Gordon for a juggling 37 yard touchdown.  Pandemonium.  Tie ball game.  And then Ray Horton did his thing, and the defense did their thing.  They are fun to watch, this Browns defense.  And Weeden was sharp when he needed to be, making some clutch throws down the stretch.  And Jeff Tuel, Buffalo's backup, was not.  And TJ Ward finished the job with a pick 6 to end the game and start the party.  It would not be the same old story in Cleveland.  Not on this Thursday night anyway.  It was a badly needed win for the Browns, but it was a badly needed win for the area.  They had a chance to fold.  They had every excuse to be like every other Cleveland team that has faced adversity and let us down.  But not this team, not this team.  Not this first place Cleveland Browns team.

Random gifs

For some reason I can't stop watching this

This is what Texas football has become

LOL Jimmy Haslam LOL

1 comment:

  1. Hi Eric,

    Boy howdy seeing Hoyer go down, talk about the air coming out of the balloon! But it's a good win, and hey. Embrace it! Like no doubt everyone else in the Cleve, I really like Cameron. A lot. A mean, a TE who is a knight in the passing game, as opposed to being a pawn in the run game, if you know what I mean. The Browns haven't had that since, what, Milt Morin? Ok, you won't remember that. :) And Benjamin making those nifty runs. Fun times. Not so much in Texas where........

    The Longhorns as we speak, are a quagmire of political infighting and misplaced priorities. Guys are all politically pining for their jobs. They don't care about the W/L records; they like their cush jobs. Consequently, or maybe because of it, there is no accountability whatsoever. Mack has completely lost the team and most of the fan base, and for whatever reason thinks he can still hold on forever to his $5 mil salary. He's about the only one on planet earth who thinks he will be back on the 40 acres next season, making him truly delusional. What's really sad from a fan standpoint- this is the week leading up to the OU game. The biggest rival game of the year for both schools/states. Texas/OU usually has a build-up rivaling that of OSU/Michigan. But while no one within 300 miles of Austin figures it will be anything less than a prison raping, the Vegas line inexplicably shows the Sooners as only about a 12 pt favorite. Go figger.

    Meanwhile at the Fannin offices, Matt Schaub has completely melted down, and if that's not enough people are openly questioning whether Kubiak is really the guy or if he's just another Norv Turner: a very good coach, but just can't crank it up a notch to the next level.

    So! How was your Monday?

    Take care,

