Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Week 14

Well that was fun.  Everything that seemed to be building with the Cleveland Browns crumbled in spectacular fashion in a 38-21 ass smashing by the Washington Redskins.  Pat Shurmur looked as awful as I knew he was before he duped me into thinking maybe he had figured it out.  Brandon Weeden looked like Derek Anderson or Doug Peterson or Spergon Wynn or insert any Browns quarterback in the past 13 years.  And Dick Jauron's defense was absolutely destroyed by Kirk Cousins, 4th round draft pick making his first career start.

The Browns came out, at home, nursing slim playoff hopes.  They appeared to have Cousins rattled early, turning a TJ Ward interception on Washington's second series into a Trent Richardson touchdown run and a 7-0 lead.  The teams traded punts, and following a Reggie Hodges 34 yard shank, Cousins hit Hands of Stone Leonard Hankerson on a play action pass for a 54 yard touchdown.  That pass was a sign of things to come.  The Redskins basically ran that version of a play action pass pretty much for the rest of the game, and it worked almost every time.

The Skins added a field goal in the second quarter, and took a 10-7 lead, with Brandon Weeden spraying the ball all over the field and Reggie Hodges, the worst punter in the NFL, adding to the misery.

However the Browns were able to put a drive together before the half, and when Richardson scored his second td of the half the Browns went into the locker room with a 14-10 lead.

That is pretty much when the wheels fell off for Pat Shurmur, Brandon Weeden, and the Browns defense.  While Mike and Kyle Shannahan were in the visiting locker room adjusting to what the Browns were doing, the Browns coaches were feeling good about their 4 point lead.

On the second play after receiving the second half kickoff, Weeden threw an awful interception right into the hands of a Washington linebacker.  Washington scored on a Alfred Morris run 3 plays later, and took the lead for good. 

The Browns got the ball back and went three and out.  Then Reggie Hodges blasted another tremendous punt into the air, this one traveling all of 32 yards.  Washington took over with good field position and marched down the field, using the same playaction pass that they used all game, and scored another touchdown, increasing their lead to 24-14.  The wheels were coming off, so Pat Shurmur decided that he was not going to run the ball anymore.  As if Brandon Weeden wasn't playing bad enough, Shurmur decided that he was going to put the game in his hands.  And it turned into something unwatchable.  A trainwreck of a performance, even worse than his numbers.  The teams traded punts before Weeden threw a terrible pass to Greg Little that was late and underthrown.  A seriously awful throw.  Horrible.

Washington took that turnover and marched down the field on a tired and overmatched defense to score, making it 31-14 Redskins.

Weeden and the Browns answered with a deep touchdown pass to Travis Benjamin, but it was too little too late as the Redskins responded with a march down the field, making the final 38-21.

It was awful, horrible, ugly.  Weeden was really really bad.  What happened to the guy that used to trust his arm and put the ball downfield early in the year?  How can our defense look so good for weeks in a row and then get thoroughly dominated?  Why the hell does Shurmur immediately abandon the run game every time we fall behind?  It was a three point game when he decided he was going to throw the ball for the rest of the game with his quarterback who looked like crap to that point.  Ultimately, it doesn't matter.  Time to get ready for the draft.  The fuse is lit, and the bomb will go off in 2 weeks, and this thing will be blown up again.  I can't wait to see Joe Banner running our drafts.  Abandon all hope, ye who had any in the first place. 

Random gifs

Knowshon, for you Sams.

Danny Amendola hates old men.  What a jerk.

Bowl Games are Super Fun!  Go Wildcats!

Santa's got it good.

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