Monday, October 29, 2012

Week 8

It was an ugly win on an ugly day, but for a young team with a 1-6 record coming in, it's hard to complain about a win.  The Browns out slugged an awful Chargers team 7-6, giving the team it's second win of the season.  Pat Shurmur out-coached Norv Turner.  Just let that soak in for a minute.  Pat Shurmur won the coaching battle.  Yes, it was against Norv Turner, but Shurmur may only be the second worst coach in the league now.  Congrats Pat.

The conditions were miserable, with 25 mph winds and driving rain, and the Browns came out with a great gameplan.  Feed Trent Richardson.  And it worked early.  Following a 4th and 1 stop (great call Norv - bring in the backup running back) by TJ Ward, who played a great game, the Browns took over and pounded the rock, eventually getting into the endzone for the only time with a great Richardson run.  Shaun Lauvao had an assist on the play, steadying Richardson and shoving him towards to goalline.  That was about it from an offensive highlight standpoint, but Dick Jauron had the defense ready to play.  They gave up a field goal at the end of the half, and another one in the 3rd quarter, but that was it.  A great game by the defense, gotta give credit where credit is due.
Richardson was the bright spot on offense, along with Weeden.  I know his numbers don't reflect it, but before last week, the Browns had turned the ball over at least once in 23 straight games.  Sunday marked the second consecutive game without a turnover.  To quote Shurmur, that is progress.  Weeden did just enough to win, although again his receivers hurt him with drops.  Three awful ones that I can remember, one by Chris Ogbonnaya on a simple screen pass, one by Josh Cooper on a slant, and one by Greg Little on an out route.  Just brutal, they are always at the worst times.  It seems impossible that NFL receivers can make catching the ball look so difficult.  Right Robert Meachem?  It's like the Browns were playing themselves in a way. 
No Browns game is without questionable coaching decisions and there were a few of them.  Early in the second quarter, after a Billy Winn fumble recovery, Shurmur dialed up a double reverse.  Look I get it, but that play should be reserved for a game where it isn't windy and rainy and possessions won't be at a premium.  It was a dumb play call, regardless.  The Browns also have the absolute worst punter in the NFL.  Please please please cut Hodges and get somebody else in here.  He was typically horrible.  Josh Cribbs made some curious decisions on fielding some punts as well, the team was cursed with horrible field position most of the game.  But they gutted it out and survived a late forth quarter drive by the Chargers.  Typically the Browns lose these types of games, and I thought they were headed for a 9-7 loss.  But the defense held on and stopped the Chargers and they won, and that's what matters.  Again hard to argue with a win, and congrats to Jimmy Haslam on his first win as an owner.  Dude is a pimp by the way, sitting outside in the elements to watch that offensive explosion.
And although it was against the offensive genius that is Norv Turner, wins are so rare in this town that you just have to enjoy them when they come along.  That's two in a row at home.  It's hard (albeit less entertaining) to blast the Browns when they win.  So I won't do it this week.  I'm going positive and upbeat.  A 9-7 loss would have been a meltdown in this spot though, just so you all know.
It seems like the Browns are headed in the right direction.  Josh Gordon had a nice game, as did Joe Haden, TJ Ward, the entire offensive line.  The two young defensive tackles look like keepers, and Phil Taylor and Rubin should be back this week.  Jordan Cameron looks good.  Weeden and Richardson are for real.  For those keeping score, this team appears to have hit on their 2 first round picks (TRich and Weeden), and their second rounder (Schwartz) from this past draft and their second rounder next year (Gordon).  I'll make my case for keeping Heckert another time, but this team has some talent now.  And it's nice to see these guys win some games.  I've said it before, the Browns control the energy in this town, and a gray and rainy Monday still feels better after a win, 7-6 or not.  11-5 is dead, but 10-6 started yesterday, and continues next week against the Ratbirds.
Random gifs
I see you Urban you pimp
When asked what the dance was, Gronkowski responded, "That little nutcracker dude that's guarding the house."  GRONK IS A NATIONAL TREASURE
Happy Halloween


Bye Bye Baseball.  Thanks Walt.

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